As an artist, I try to work with all kinds of techniques and mediums. Most of my work is done using acrylic on canvas, walls, and cardboard. My paintings are tailor-made by request for each client.

* Woods, acrylic on wall. (Digitally illustrated arms are for show only, not part of the original work)

* [left] "Tiger", acrylic and posca on rolling pondweed curtain. (2´3" x 7´2") / * [right] "Pipes and Vines", acrylic on canvas. (2´30" x 7´20")

* [left] "Cherry Geisha", acrylic on canvas. (27" x 3´2") / * [right] "Tom´s Painting", acrylic, newspaper and posca on canvas. (27" x 3´2")

* [left] "Conspiracy", acrylic on cardboard. (27" x 3´2") / * [right] "Oceanside", acrylic on canvas. (27.5" x 7´2")

"Woods Vol II.", acrylic on canvas. (35" x 5´2")

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